His opinions are very radical.
他的意见很偏激。 |
His opinions jar with mine.
他的意见和我的意见不一致。 |
His opinions smacked of conservatism.
他的意见带有保守主义的味道。 |
His opponent did not stand a chance.
他的对手毫无取胜的机会。 |
His opponents in the eliminating rounds were quickly polished off.
他的对手在几轮淘汰赛中很快就被击败了。 |
His opponents say this was an illegal move.
可他的反对者却说这种做法将不符合法定程序。 |
His optic nerve was hurt in an accident.
他的视神经在一次事故中受到损伤。 |
His optimism contrasted sharply with the low morale of his supporters.
他的乐观情绪与他的支持者的低落的士气形成了鲜明的对照。 |
His optimistic face always hitch a confidence smile.
他学习刻苦,成绩优秀,乐于助人,关心集体,爱好体育。 |
His or her willingness to share insight and understanding of a situation, and the necessary steps he or she envisions to arrive at a desired outcome, tend to be dependant on two factors: the level of confidence he or she has in the ideas, and his or her t
她或他的希望是共享对情况的理解和见识,并采取了步骤以达到理想的结果,依赖于两个因素:她或他的自信程度,忍耐审查和批评的能力。 |
His orchards bring in $3,000 a year.
他的果园每年获利3000美元。 |