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Gram Lights - Orange - Gold - Bronze Custom Auto Wheels!

Grain traders in Ukraine are throwing thousands of tonnes of rotting crops into the Black Sea as a protectionist trade embargo in what was once the “breadbasket of Europe” extends into its fifth month. 随着保护主义贸易禁运进入第五个月,在曾被称为“欧洲粮仓”的乌克兰,粮食交易商们正把成千上万吨腐烂粮食投入黑海。
Grain yield can be also increased by a fine tuning of the processes related to partitioning of nitrogen and photosynthates for sink formation. 籽粒产量也可由良好调节形成营养汇和氮及光合产物分配过程得以增加。
Grain-size distribution may be characterized in part by skewness of the distribution. 粒径的分布具有偏态分布的特点。
Grains selling below $1 a bushel, a STOP LOSS order is as a rule safe and caught less ofthe time when you place it 1¢ below the bottom and especially 1¢ under closingprices, or 1¢ above closing prices. 售价低于1美元/蒲式耳的谷物,当在你低于底部价1美分特别是低于收盘价1美分或者是高于收盘价1美分时设置止损位是一个安全而减少套牢次数的规则。
Grains' shortage in some provinces or autonomous regions rings the alarm bell of Gansu which has been short of grains since 1990s. 摘要部分省区粮食趋紧给长期缺粮的甘肃敲响了警钟。
Gram Lights - Orange - Gold - Bronze Custom Auto Wheels! 革灯-橙-金青铜定制汽车轮子!
Gram's Business Travel is written with your needs in mind. 格兰商务旅游正是为满足你的需求而写。
Gramineae, Myrsinaceae, Bambusoidea. Mostly Leguminosae, specifically aphis and coccids. Mainly damage Gramineae, Leguminosae. Some species are main vermins to paddies, sugar canes and bananas. 主要危害禾本科植物、豆科植物,有的种是水稻、甘蔗、香蕉等植物的主要害虫。
Grammar , as has been said before, is not a set of dead rules. 语法,就像以前所说,不是一套死规则。
Grammar and word usage are correct and contribute to clarity and style. 文法和字的用途正确且有助简明和风格。
Grammar assumes a simple logical one-to-one relationship between language unit (word, sentence, etc.) and meaning. 语法假设在语言单位(如单词和句子等等)和意义之间存在简单的一对一的逻辑关系。

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