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Later it was called Thanksgiving Day.

Later in the night, all three were taken ill, and a doctor was hastily summoned. 到了晚上,这三个人都病倒了,很快的医生被叫了过来。
Later in the week that Navy group, carrying 24 helicopters is to move to the eastern coast of Sri Lanka. 本星期晚些时候,这个载着24架直升机的美国舰队将向斯里兰卡东海岸进发。
Later in the week, the Kenyans waltzed off with gold medal in the steeplechase. 上星期末,在障碍赛跑中肯尼亚人轻而易举地赢得了金牌。
Later in the year Nichols was convicted of the less severe charges of manslaughter and conspiracy, and he was sentenced to life in prison in June 1998. 同年晚些时候,尼柯尔斯被判犯有稍轻的过失杀人罪以及同谋罪,于1998年被判终身监禁。
Later in this article, we are going to take a close look at Athena 's famous Parthenon statue as it has been reconstructed in the Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee, from ancient replicas and descriptions of it. 在本文的稍后我们将近距离地观看雅典娜著名的帕特农神庙雕像,因为它曾经被人们根据自古流传的复制品以及相关描述,在地处田纳西州诺希维尔市的帕特农进行过重建。
Later it was called Thanksgiving Day. 后来这一天就成了感恩节。
Later it was for ascension of power itself. 后来它上升为本身的力量。”
Later it was replaced together and sent to France, because the Marquis de Riviere had brought the statue and had given it to Louis XVIII of France[4]. 后来它被修复在一起,并送往了法国,因为马尔凯斯·德里维尔已购买了这尊雕像,把它送给法国国王路易十八。
Later it was said that Aeneas got hold of it and carried itwith him to his new land, where it was Preserved together with the goddess fire. 据说后来埃弥斯得到了雕像并带着它到了自己的新领地。木像和神火一起被保存在这块土地上。
Later mailmen rode bicycles to send letters. 后来,邮递员骑自行车送信。
Later my mother changed her job and turned to business, but what she did was selling computers. “下海”原来的意思是到海中去。现在泛指放弃原来的工作去经营商业。

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