Cixin bracelets bracelets first used as Agate Concentrate play from grinding and fine texture bright and Mingyan moving, tender and delicate plants, the color clear, red and green colors each other -- is fun enough. |
中文意思: 此款手镯手镯先用上等巴西玛瑙料精打细磨而成,质地细腻光亮,色泽明艳动人,娇嫩欲滴,色泽分明,红白绿三色交相辉映,别有一番情趣。 |
Cixi Shunguang Plastics Factory is a specialty manufacturer of plastic containers and professional nail beauty tools and custom-built plastic containers are available.
慈溪市舜光塑料厂是一家专业设计,研发制造各种塑料容器和专业美甲灯具的生产厂家,并能根据客户要求生产各种塑料容器等制品。 |
Cixi Tianda Air-conditioner Eqipment Co., Ltd. (growing out of Cixi Zhouxiang Haida Electron Equipment Factory), founded in 1992, is a professional manufacturer mainly produces various central air-conditioners, home air-conditioners and plastic components
慈溪市天达空调设备有限公司(慈溪市周巷海达电子器材厂)创始于1982年,是主要生产各类中央空调、家用空调及塑料配件的专业厂家。 |
Cixin Kuanyin Perry hair style, face and head, wears Tiancheng.
此款观音佩头发高髻,面相丰满,法相天成。 |
Cixin agate rings, crystal-full-bodied, full-bodied sparkling, and women 521, clean and full of youth and vitality to the sweet call of love, full of charm, pure girl-lasting, more innocent Italian secret profuse youth population fiery passion and convict
此款玛瑙戒指,通体晶光,通体晶莹剔透,色相精纯,干净,焕发着青春的活力和甜美爱情的召唤,魅力四射,清纯可人,光彩照人,更显纯情密意,充沛着青春一族火一般的激情和信念! |
Cixin beautiful exquisite agate rings, colorful hue 521, clean and pure and moving!
此款美丽精致的玛瑙戒指,色彩鲜艳,色相精纯,干净,纯情动人! |
Cixin bracelets bracelets first used as Agate Concentrate play from grinding and fine texture bright and Mingyan moving, tender and delicate plants, the color clear, red and green colors each other -- is fun enough.
此款手镯手镯先用上等巴西玛瑙料精打细磨而成,质地细腻光亮,色泽明艳动人,娇嫩欲滴,色泽分明,红白绿三色交相辉映,别有一番情趣。 |
Cixin natural agate bracelet, wear the wrist, very conspicuous bright eyes, beautiful color tranquil, quiet water, combined with the immaculate hand, the youth of color, youth and the charisma and youthful enthusiasm, do sway in the wrist.
此款天然玛瑙手镯,佩戴在腕间,非常显眼亮目,美丽恬静的色泽,宁静如水,搭配玉手的纯洁无瑕,青春的色彩,青春的风采,青春的热情,尽在腕间挥洒。 |
Cixin necklace and held Its full size uniform, was playing cool Run heart, long-playing can be self-cultivation, the right mood irritability, depression, insomnia suspiciousness and so help to a certain extent; Reportedly, it could also set to play wearin
此款项链粒粒圆润饱满,大小均匀,盘玩清凉润心,长时盘玩可修身养性,对心情烦燥,精神抑郁,失眠多疑等都有一定的帮助作用;据说,它能还可以给佩戴盘玩者带来愉快和信心,并被赋予上帝的仁慈,还可以确保胜利和力量,为你和家人带去平安和健康! |
Cixin pure natural Jade bracelets, the color green, uniform fine, onto ice, clear water!
此款纯天然岫玉手镯,色泽青绿,均匀细腻,剔透如冰,清澈如水! |
Cixin sounds and chirping and the peony flowers, the splendor of your Yong.
此款鸾凤和鸣,牡丹花开,雍荣华贵。 |
Cixin works is the use of independence jade carved features colorful carvings, picked clean of natural stone.
此款作品正利用独玉丰富多彩的特点精雕巧雕,摘雕干净自然。 |