Thousands of dollars in cash, over $ 150000just waiting to be won as present our big bonznza on the wheel of fortune.
数千元现金,超过15万元现金等着被赢得,我们要将我们的幸运现金放在幸运轮上。 |
Thousands of dollars in cash.
数千元的现金。 |
Thousands of families have fled an embattled Palestinian refugee camp caught in a crossfire of a conflict between the Lebanese army and Islamic extremists.
成千个家庭已经从被围困的巴勒斯坦的难民营逃离出来,这个难民营如今陷入黎巴嫩军队和伊斯兰极端主义教徒的交战之中。 |
Thousands of fans subscribe to pop music fanzine.(a magazine produced by and for enthusiasts of a specific field or person, esp in pop music.
数千名爱好者订阅了音乐爱好者杂志。(某一领域如音乐等的爱好者或某个名人的崇拜者创办的杂志,或为其创办的杂志。) |
Thousands of flag-waving well-wishers lined the streets of the city, with a heavy police presence around the city's cathedral where the ceremony was held.
数千名祝愿者列队站在城市街道两边摇旗欢呼,举行婚礼的教堂周围也加强了警戒。 |
Thousands of gladiators dueled to the death here, and Christians were fed to the lions.
成千上万的角斗士在这里决斗身亡,基督徒曾在这里被送入狮口。 |
Thousands of holiday travelers remained on stand by as a backlog continues from last week blizzard.
数千度假者自从上周的暴风雪以后就一直等待着。 |
Thousands of individuals protesting forced evictions and workplace and health issues were detained during the year.
在年内上千因抗议被迫逐出与工作场所和健康问题的人员遭到拘留。 |
Thousands of inhabited planets at our fingertips.
而我们也能去探索那未知的,新世界。 |
Thousands of installations demonstrate the reliability and suitability of these simple and effective tools for sand production.
本机具有可更换磨损件,厚壁管和轴,带隔离结构下部轴承和特重负荷齿轮箱。 |
Thousands of invited guests gathered around to have a sight of this one and only plane on display.
前沿飞行总会、前沿控股集团受到了如潮的围观,成为当天热门话题。 |