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I advised her to wait.

I advise you to set about your work without delay. 我建议你立即开始工作。
I advise you to set about your work. 我建议你着手你的工作。
I advise you to start at once. 我劝你立刻出发。
I advise you to tell your father what happened and face the music. 我建议他把发生的事情告诉你父亲。并且勇敢地面对事实。
I advised her not to believe him. 我建议她不要相信他的话。
I advised her to wait. 我劝她等待。
I advised him to think twice before deciding to quit school. 我劝告他在决定退学之前再仔细考虑一番。
I advised him to think twice before deciding to qust school. 我劝告他在决定退学之前在仔细考虑一番.
I advised them to watch out for slick spots on the sidewalk. 我叫他们当心人行道上路滑的地方。
I advised you not to eat fruit that isn't ripe in future. 我建议你以后不要吃不熟的水果。
I advocate a policy of gradual reform. 我拥护逐步改革的政策.

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