As a group, toughs could be guards or troops for a higher-level tough or for a fiend.
一群强者可能是高等级强者或反派的护卫团或军队。 |
As a guideline, remember to keep tests simple and readable.
总的准则是,记住保持你的测试程序简单易读。 |
As a guiding rule - act for and as the Self of All.
作为一个指导原则——为了并且作为全体自我而行动。 |
As a guy, the more we do, the more troublesome it will be.
我觉得男生越搞越多反而会越麻烦。 |
As a habit, Nola would sit in a chair on the balcony, reading or doing her homework every day when she comes home.
诺拉每天回家后总是习惯坐在阳台的椅子上看书或做作业。 |
As a heat insulation material, straws have been used as building material for a long time.
摘要农作物秸秆因具有保温隔热性能,自古以来就是一种良好的建筑材料。 |
As a high and new technique developed rapidly in recent years, the transient surface wave exploration technique is widely used in engineering exploration with excellent results obtained.
摘要瞬态面波勘探技术是近几年快速发展起来的高新技术,在工程勘察中得到广泛应用,效果良好。 |
As a high school and college student, you have the opportune time to experience the world around you.
作为中学生和大学生,你有适宜的时间去经历你周围的世界。 |
As a historian, he thought it was his duty to keep the real history so he recorded the history on centurial civilization of Jin Dynasty.
作为史家,他以存信史为己任,对有金一代文明百年作了客观的记录和总结。 |
As a historical cultural formation, the Buddhist development is not a self-evolution of Indian culture, but results from confluence of diverse Asian cultures including Chinese culture and West Asian cultures.
摘要佛教作为一种历史文化形态,其发展过程并非印度文化的自我演化,而是包括中国文化、西亚文化等广大亚洲文化共同汇流的结果。 |
As a historical witness, so many religious place-names recounted the ancestors' arduous life journey under the oppression in the rigidly stratified society and their minds' journey that they were worn out both physically and mentally and they endured grea
诸多宗教地名作为历史的见证,诉说着等级森严的社会压迫中先民们艰难前行的人生道路,以及他们在身心交困的境遇中苦苦挣扎的心路历程。 |