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Further studies appear warranted to investigate 24-hour secretory patterns of LH and gonadal steroids in men and women with diverse etiologies of chronic pain,they conclude.

Full Court Pressmeans the strongest possible effort to get something dong. Americans' love for sports has helped to make many sports expressions part of everyday American speech. “全场紧逼”的含义是尽最大的努力做成某事。美国人喜爱运动,这就使许多体育用语成为美国日常的用语了。
Full disclosure was part of the deal! I wouldn't have been interested otherwise,he wrote. “全部揭发是这个交易的一部分!否则我就不会有任何兴趣了,”他如此写道。
Full, master,she replied, Very full, but I am can still hold more. 「满了,大人」她回答。「真的很满,但是我还忍得住。」
Fulltime Killer\was China\'s nominee for an Oscar, but it didn\'t make the final cut. “全职杀手”曾作为中国的作品参选奥斯卡,但是没能最后入围。
Further research about infant vocalizations could reveal that babbling is a much more widespread phenomenon in mammals than was previously thought. 对于幼仔发声的更多研究可能揭示出哺乳动物牙牙学语要比以往我们所认为的广泛很多。
Further studies appear warranted to investigate 24-hour secretory patterns of LH and gonadal steroids in men and women with diverse etiologies of chronic pain,they conclude. 他们还推断“未来的研究将集中在观察患有不同病因慢性痛的男性及女性体内LH和性腺甾体类24小时的分泌模式。”
Furthermore, you shall not intermarry with them; you shall not give your daughters to their sons, nor shall you take their daughters for your sons. 申7:4因为他必使你儿子转离不跟从主、去事奉别神、以致耶和华的怒气向你们发作、就速速的将你们灭绝。
Future license file format or misspelling in license file. the file was issued for a later version of flexlm than this program understands. 如果软件许可证的特征码被修改了,这种提示就会出现,这将导致发出的软件许可证无效。此时请与软件许可证发放人联系,确认软件许可证无误。
Futures trading is easier for them because they can make money by predicting only the market direction,said Mr Chang. “期货交易对他们来说比较容易,因为他们只要通过预测市场走向就能赚钱,”姜先生说道。
Gabriel has fulfilled a cycle in Zaragoza and his position already is definitive: one leaves, leaves for Juventus,said Gamarnik. “加比完美的完成了任务,他在队中的位置是不可动摇的,但是一旦他离开,他只会去尤文图斯。”
Gaby is on full throttle now,said the United boss. His progress has been very good and he is training every day now. “加比受到了沉重的打击,”曼联老板说。“他的进步很大,现在他每天都训练。

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