We will introduce the functions of drum set in a contemporary worship team, the components of a drum set, drum notation, and basic drum patterns and drum fills.
这个课程介绍鼓在现代敬拜中的作用,鼓的组合、记谱法、及基本的节奏样式与过门样式。 |
We will introduce the latest research results of computer to teachers and students through forecasting IT technology lectures and discuss together how to do useful research and development; we show to students how to show the research capacity and results
我们将通过前瞻IT技术讲座,向师生们介绍计算机领域内最新的研究成果,共同探讨如何做有用的研究和开发;通过介绍微软亚洲研究院“明日之星”实习生项目,为学生们如何出色地展示自己的研发能力和成果,如何撰写规范的研究论文等方面给与实际的指导;通过微软员工和校友之间面对面的对话活动,把微软研究员们切身的科研心得和治学方法分享给更多正在起步中的学弟学妹们,同时聆听同学的心声,帮助他们更好地规划自己的职业未来。 |
We will introduce the newest research results of computer to teachers and students through forecasting IT technology lectures and discuss together how to do useful research and development; we show to students how to show the research capacity and results
我们将通过前瞻IT技术讲座,向师生们介绍计算机领域内最新的研究成果,共同探讨如何做有用的研究和开发;通过介绍微软亚洲研究院“明日之星”实习生项目,为学生们如何出色地展示自己的研发能力和成果,如何撰写规范的研究论文等方面给与实际的指导;通过微软员工和校友之间面对面的对话活动,把微软研究员们切身的科研心得和治学方法分享给更多正在起步中的学弟学妹们,同时聆听同学的心声,帮助他们更好地规划自己的职业未来。 |
We will introduce this measure since many users complained about friendlies as being obligatory in order to sustain perfect form.
大量玩家抱怨以前需要强制安排友谊赛以保持球员的良好状态,因此我们作了上面的改进。 |
We will investigate seven enigmatic creatures – the serval, aardvark, pangolin, genet, african wildcat, civet and porcupine – as they furtively go about their top-secret activities.
金庸小说中有江南七怪,非洲狩猎册上一样有七怪,牠们是难得一见的非洲动物-土豚、穿山甲、獛、非洲豹、麝猫、豪猪、薮猫,有些可能连名字也鲜有听闻。 |
We will invite debate teams from local colleges and enterprises to participate the EP forum, awarding the best debater and best team. The final will be broadcast on Xiamen TV.
主要由厦门各大、中专院校及企业组队参与的环保问题辩论会,决赛由厦门电视台全程播出,并选出最佳辩手及最佳组织等奖项。 |
We will invite the orphans from Suzhou Enfant Orphanage stay with us on Christmas Eve.
此次活动我们将邀请苏州儿童福利院的孤儿来免费欢度圣诞夜。 |
We will issue receipts to acknowledge down payments and all payments.
所有的付款,校方将签发收据给学生。 |
We will join up in the corner of the school.
我们将在学校的一个角落里会合。 |
We will just as after go toward of with the management of science , the business enterprise mechanism for humanize , pursue outstanding product quality ,create a second to none service for the customer whole heartedly.
我们将一如继往的以科学的管理、人性化的企业机制、追求卓越的产品质量,全心全意为客户创造最优秀的服务。 |
We will keep in mind your requirement for Walnutmeat and shall contact you once it is available.
我们会留意你方对核桃仁的需求,一侔可供,即与你联系。 |