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Counterfeit or fake.

Counterattack does damage and immobilizes for 5 seconds. 反击造成伤害并且固定对手5秒。
Counterattack, lashing out and surrounding yourself with a barrier that lowers the damage of the next 3 incoming attacks by 25%. Can only be used after a block. 反击,并在你的周围造成一道结界以减少接下来的3次攻击的25%伤害。只能在一次成功格挡后使用。
Countercurrent washing is applied to reduce acid pollution effectively. 摘要采用逆流洗涤方式有效减轻酸污染。
Counterfeit drugs -- like counterfeit money -- are difficult for even the most highly trained medical professionals to distinguish from the real thing. 假药类似假钞一样,即使是有进行过高级培训的医药专家也很难鉴别。
Counterfeit luxury goods dealers at Paris's main flea market can forget about a merry Christmas. 巴黎主要跳蚤市场的仿冒精品业者,今年别想有个快乐的耶诞节了。
Counterfeit or fake. 假冒的,伪造的
Counterfeiters of 500 copies now face up to three years in prison, and those making two-thousand-500 copies are liable to terms of up to seven years. 制作500件盗版产品者现在可判最多3年监禁,盗版2500件者可面临最多7年监禁。
Countering this bomb lobby were other prominent figures, who argued that the economic cost would be too high. 其他的重要人物出面反对发展核武,理由是花费太高。
Counterman: Here you are. The coffee's at that counter over there. Next! 服务员:这是你的,咖啡在那边的柜台上。下一位。
Counterman: Joe, burger and fries. Next! 服务员:乔(估计是厨师),汉堡、薯条一份!下一位。
Countermeasures against the weapon could be quite straightforward — for example covering up the body with thick clothes or carrying a metallic sheet — or even a trash can lid — as a shield or reflector. 对抗车载主动拒止系统的措施很简单,如穿上厚衣服、携带金属片甚至是可盖的废料作为屏蔽或反射器。

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