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An unimpeachable witness.

An unguarded remark; an unguarded glance. 轻率的评论;轻率的一瞥
An unguided ramble into its recesses in bad weather is apt to engender dissatisfaction with its narrow, tortuous, and miry ways. 天气不好的时候,没有向导带路而独自漫游到谷内幽深之处的人,容易对蜿蜒其间的狭窄的泥泞小道产生不满情绪。
An unidentified flying object appeared on the radar screen. 一个不明飞行物出现在雷达萤幕上。
An unidentified flying object appeared over the airport of Shijiazhuang, Hebei, for more than half an hour on Monday night and then disappeared, said eyewitnesses, some of whom took pictures. 一个不明飞行物惊现河北省,石家庄机场.据目击者称,星期一晚上(白光)持续半小时之久,还有人拍了照片.
An unidentified man shot the President. 一个身份不明的人开枪射杀了总统。
An unimpeachable witness. 完全可靠的证据
An unimportant or insignificant thing; a trifle. 琐事不重要的或无关紧要的事情;琐事
An unincorporated community of southern California, a residential and manufacturing suburb of Los Angeles. Population, 38,000. 佛罗伦萨美国加利福尼亚州南部一尚未合并的社区,洛杉矶的居住郊区及制造工业区。人口38,000
An unincorporated village of west-central Florida, a residential suburb of Tampa. Population, 57,985. 布兰登美国佛罗里达州中西部一未合并村庄。是坦帕城的居住郊区。人口57,985
An uninsured motorist. 没有保险的乘汽车旅行的人
An unintended consequence is that richer people get the services. The World Bank reports it's primarily, because of all the obstacles poorer people face. 更让人意想不到的是,较富裕的人反倒能享受到这些服务。世界银行报告指出,造成这一结果的,主要是穷人所面临的种种困境。

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