Within three days of hearing the rumors, we had made these pellets and were able to confirm superconductivity at near 40 K.
在听到传闻的三天内,我们已经制备好这些颗粒,并证实了它们的确在接近40K时可转变为超导体。 |
Within three days of the beginning of NATO's air war on 24 March 1999, huge numbers of Kosovars were expelled by the authorities to neighboring Albania and Macedonia.
1999年3月24日北约发动了空战,3日之内,大批科索沃人被当局驱赶到邻国阿尔巴尼亚和马其顿。 |
Within three months from the day the licensing contract is signed, the licenser and licensee shall submit a copy of the licensing contract to a local county-level administrative department for industry and commerce for the record; the matter shall be repo
许可人和被许可人应当在许可合同签订之日起三个月内,将许可合同副本交送其所在地县级工商行政管理机关存查,由许可人报送商标局备案,并由商标局予以公告。 |
Within three more days Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to your office, and you will put Pharaoh's cup into his hand according to your former custom when you were his cupbearer.
13三天之内,法老必提你出监,叫你恢复原职,你就要照先前作司酒时的惯例,递杯在法老的手中。 |
Within three more days Pharaoh will lift up your head from you and will hang you on a tree, and the birds will eat your flesh from you.
19三天之内,法老必斩你的头,把你挂在木头上,必有飞鸟来吃你身上的肉。 |
Within three years of the initial valuations, between April 2002 to April 2004, 58 began using ecstasy.
在最初评估的三年(2002年4月至2004年4月)内,58名志愿者开始应用摇头丸。 |
Within three years, with Chinese aid pouring in to help the Vietcong, America had suffered a humiliating defeat in Vietnam.
其后三年中,得到中国倾力援助的越共给了美国史无前例的迎头痛击。 |
Within time there is changes.
当时间流逝时,世界变化着。 |
Within twelve hours following the declaration of war on the fourth of August nineteen fourteen, the German espionage system in Great Britain had been smashed.
在1914年8月4日宣布战争开始的12个小时内,在英国的德国间谍系统就被捣毁。 |
Within twenty-four hours, thirty thousand soldiers were at Wuhu, sixty miles southwest of Nanking.
在二十四小时内,就有三万共军到达南京西南六十英里的芜湖。 |
Within two days I received a letter of acceptance from the manager.
不到两天,我就收到了经理写来的录取信。 |