Perhaps Harry's fate is to learn that , while it is possible to triumph over evil, and to live on to create a life we have only dreamt of, the Dakness will always attempt to put ou the Light.
也许哈利的命运就是要知道,尽管战胜邪恶,创造我们梦想的那种生活是可能的,黑暗也会一直试图颠覆光明。 |
Perhaps Harry's fate is to remember, always, that the potention for evil still exists, somewhere, and that the right(or wrong)circumstances and actions could always reignite its power.
也许哈利的命运就是要永远铭记,邪恶的威胁仍然存在在某个地方,正确的(或错误的)事情与行动都会再次引发它的力量。 |
Perhaps I ain't the most helpless person, perhaps I ain't the most helpless person, perhaps I ain't the most down and out person, perhaps I have no right to ask a God to the responsibility why want to be to me thus of test, but I still cannot help but wan
也许我并不是最无助的人(此句有重复),也许我并不是最落魄的人,也许我没有权利让上帝回答为什么要如此考验我,但我已经无能为力,只能求问上帝(为什么)。 |
Perhaps I am wrong, but I think she is near forty.
也许我错了,但是我想她快四十岁了。 |
Perhaps I can introduce Mr. Lake Kirby, an emeritus professor from Washington University.
请允许我介绍华盛顿大学名誉教授莱克柯尔比先生。 |
Perhaps I can sneak out of the classroom unnoticed.
也许我可以神不知鬼不觉地溜进教室。 |
Perhaps I could fill in for one of your office staff during the vacation period.
在假期中我或许可填补贵公司的空缺。 |
Perhaps I have only mislaid it.
或许,我只是将它放错了位置。 |
Perhaps I like your sexy eyes wide belt?
也许我喜欢你那性感的大眼带吗? |
Perhaps I shall (will) pay a visit to France this winter.
我可能在今年冬天到法国观光。 |
Perhaps I shall even use it to tap a jaunty tune on Cyrus`s tombstone.
也许我应该用它在塞勒斯的墓碑上敲击出一段动人的旋律来。 |