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Should the misery be inevitable, as the cost of maturity?

Should the current be cut, the coil would return to its original position. 如果电流切断,线圈就返回到原来位置。
Should the death penalty be abolished? 应该废除死刑吗?
Should the effects of the force majeure mentioned above last more than one hundred and twenty (120) consecutive days, both Parties shall settle further execution of the Contract through friendly negotiations as soon as possible. 如果上述不可抗力的影响持续120个连续日,双方应通过友好协商尽快解决本合同的进一步履行。
Should the exclusive exploitation rights be with several people, because a piece of software has several authors and they have not chosen to combine their rights with one fiduciary, for instance, of cause all of these authors must agree with the licensing 当独占利用权属于数个人时〈举例来说:因为一个软体片段有著数位作者,而他们还没有选择要组合起他们的权利予单一的受托者〉,当然所有的作者都必须同意授权〔的条件〕。
Should the ladies wear formal dresses? 女士是否需着正式服装?
Should the misery be inevitable, as the cost of maturity? 我的不幸作为成长的代价,是不是不可避免的呢?
Should the need arise, we can lend you the money. 如果你需要钱,我们可以借给你。
Should the new department form part of the Faculty of Arts? 这个新的系属文学院吗?
Should the parties concerned refuse to accept the resolution decision of the people's government, they may, within one month upon receipt of notification, bring a suit before the people's court. 当事人对人民政府的处理决定不服的,可以在接到通知之日起一个月内,向人民法院起诉。
Should the price be discussed? 这个价钱还可以商量商量吗?
Should the price of a re-auction be lower than the price of the original auction price, the original buyer shall pay for the balance. 再行拍卖的价款低于原拍卖价款的,原买受人应当补足差额。

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