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May all who gloat over my distress be put to shame and confusion; may all who exalt themselves over me be clothed with shame and disgrace.

May all beings be free from suffering and attain enlightenment soon! 愿所有众生从痛苦中解脱出来并且早日成佛!
May all kinds of nutritious fruits and vegetable flow into the hands of the consumers in a stream! 让营养丰富的各种果蔬源源不断流向消费大衆手中!
May all nights inspire love always. 漫漫长夜时时刻刻感到爱。
May all of our wishes come true this Valentine's Day. 但愿在情人节,我俩的美梦成真。
May all the days belong to you like a flower which overflown with sweetness,tenderness and happiness. 愿属于你的日子里像鲜花一样,洋溢着甜美、温馨和喜悦。
May all who gloat over my distress be put to shame and confusion; may all who exalt themselves over me be clothed with shame and disgrace. 26愿那喜欢我遭难的,一同抱愧蒙羞。愿那向我妄自尊大的,披惭愧,蒙羞辱。
May also be displayed with Vkey functionality. 也可以通过V键来显示。
May also be required to travel to Hong Kong to review quality concerns, as well as to attend customer required meetings. 也可能需出差到香港去检查质量问题及参加需客户出席的会议。
May also be used as primer for oxidative drying paints on stainless steel. 也可作为氧化干燥型油漆的底漆涂在不锈钢板上。
May also perform calibration, pressure equipment, wheel molding, cold extrusion molding metal parts, powder metallurgy products, the pressure molding process. 也可从事校正、压装、砂轮成型、冷挤金属零件成型、粉末冶金制品的压制成型工艺。
May angels watch over you all through the year. Happy Holidays! 愿你一年到头都有天使护佑。节日快乐!

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