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Some researchers have speculated that high-heeled shoes may be to blame.

Some researchers assert that the return of vegetation along the riverbanks—brought on by a reduction in the number of elk—undermines the long-running contention of the park service that Yellowstone's elk population is within natural limits. 一些研究者断言,河岸的植被由于麋鹿减少而重新生长,让园方长期宣称麋鹿族群在自然範围之内的论点不攻自破。
Some researchers fear that such vaccines might induce patients' immune systems to attack healthy tissue by mistake. 有些研究人员担心,这类疫苗可能导致患者的免疫系统错攻健康的组织。
Some researchers have argued that Mars had extensive oceans: images and topographic data hint at shorelines and smooth ocean floors. 有些研究人员认为,火星曾有广大的海洋:影像和地形资料暗示著有海岸线与平缓海底的存在。
Some researchers have found that students who think binge drinking is normal often overestimate how much other students really drink. 一些研究者发现学生认为狂欢饮酒很正常通常高估了其他学生真实饮酒量。
Some researchers have made study on this subject, such as the generation and evolution of frazil ice, shore ice, bottom ice, ice cover and ice jam, the resistance of freeze-up river, flow capacity and variation of water stage. 国内外一些学者通过原型观测,试验和数值模拟的方法对水内冰,岸冰,底冰,冰盖和冰塞的生成和演变,封冻河道的阻力、过流能力和水位变化等有关问题进行了研究。
Some researchers have speculated that high-heeled shoes may be to blame. 有研究者推测高跟鞋可能是罪魁祸首。
Some researchers have thought that apes have the capacity for language but never profited from a humanlike cultural milieu in which language was taught, and they have thus tried to teach apes language-like systems. 一些研究人员曾认为猿具有运用语言的能力,只是从来没有像人类的文化体系那样,从学习中获得这种能力,因而他们就尝试着教授猿一些类似语言的体系。
Some researchers suggest this mental state might share neurochemical characteristics with the manic phase of manic depression. 一些研究员提到,这一心理状态可能和狂躁状态的躁郁症有相同的神经化学特征。
Some researchers, however, are agnostic about the effects of the wolf. 不过,有些研究者对于灰狼效应则采取不可知的态度。
Some researchers, including Tim Parker of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena and Jim Head of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, have suggested that much of the Martian northern hemisphere was once a vast ocean. 包括美国宇航局推进技术实验室的提姆·帕克,及坐落于罗得岛州首府普罗维登斯的布朗大学的吉姆·海德在内的一些学者认为火星北半球的大部分地区曾是一片汪洋。
Some residents of Spencer, Massachusetts have been hospitalized after the town's water supply was treated with too much corrosive lye. The chemical causes skin irritation and burns. 麻萨诸塞州斯宾塞镇的一些居民住进了院接受治疗,原因是过多具有腐蚀性的碱液加入了他们所使用的生活水中.这种化学制品会导致皮疹及灼伤.

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