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Another thing putting designers off, is the fact that Posh does not have the same coolimage as Sienna Miller or Kate Moss, because she is too easily influenced by stylists.

Another theory is based on the notion of 'seed crystals' in which the knowledge and story of Lemuria was encoded and stored in seed crystals just before Lemuria fell. 另一个理论是建立在“种子水晶”的基础之上,利莫里亚的知识和故事被编入在利莫里亚沉没之前被编入和贮存在种子水晶里面。
Another theory is that having a greater mass under the fixed end of the reed somehow improves the vibratory properties of the reed itself. 还有一个理论认为簧片固定端下面较大的质量会提升簧片的振动特性。
Another theory traces the theater\'s origin from the human interest in storytelling. 另一个追溯戏剧起源的理论认为它来自人们对叙述故事的兴趣。
Another thing holiday seasons are known for, however, is eating. 不过,假日里的另一个众所周知的现象就是吃。
Another thing is the hole in the centre. 另一个值得注意的地方就是门正中的大洞。
Another thing putting designers off, is the fact that Posh does not have the same coolimage as Sienna Miller or Kate Moss, because she is too easily influenced by stylists. 维多利亚遭设计师冷落的另一个原因是,她不象名模西耶娜·米勒和凯特·摩斯那样“一酷到底”,贝嫂太容易受设计师的影响而改变风格了。
Another thing that I got tired of doing was counting up to find out when a kitten should start kitten division and championship, so I made a chart for that, too. 另外一件我已经厌烦的事情就是计算某只小猫什么时候可以参加幼猫组比赛什么时候可以参加冠军组比赛,因此我也做了一个图表来计算这个问题。
Another thing that is unfair. When the man dies, the woman has to mourn for three years and is not allowed to remarry. 女子死了,男人只带几根蓝辫线,有嫌难看的,连带也不带,人死还没三天,就出去偷鸡摸狗,七还未尽,新娘子早已进门了。
Another thing that will content our Dear Leaders is that his citation of Communist Manifesto, which was told by a Harvard professor of politic theory to Friedman. 另一句咱们领导人会觉得很中听的,是引述《共产党宣言》中的一大段,是一位哈佛政治理论教授告诉弗里德曼的。
Another thing that you can do is to make your front page as short as possible so that it will not take long to load. 你所要做的另外一件事就是尽可能使首页的加载速度缩短。
Another thing to avoid in your disagreements is anything that puts people down. That includes criticizing, passing judgment, ridiculing, blaming, and name calling. 另外,你表达反对意见的时候应避免贬低他人,包括批评,裁判,嘲笑,指责,以及辱骂他人。

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