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It was not until the small factories were shut down that the river became clean again.

It was not until his work was over that he began to teach me English. 直到他工作结束之后他才开始教我英语。
It was not until knowing the fact that we began to realize the danger of noise pollution. 直到了解了这些事实,我们才认识到噪音污染的危害。
It was not until last year that he got in touch with his longlost brother. 直到去年他才与长期失散的兄弟取得联系。
It was not until one night, we were doing our clean up details (the military saves money on janitorial services by farming out its students to indentured servitude) that I got curious. 有一天我们在做大扫除时(军队都是通过让学员做苦工来节省请勤杂工人的费用),我开始觉得好奇。
It was not until the accident happened that I became aware of my foolishness. 译为:就是直到事故发生我才意识到我有多愚蠢。
It was not until the small factories were shut down that the river became clean again. 直到许多小工厂关闭了,这条河才又变得清澈起来。
It was not until the thirteenth stroke that the bell stopped. 一直到了第十三响,钟才停止。
It was not until today that it was made publicly. 那件事直到今天才被公布出来。
It was not,in short,love at first sight. 总而言之,那不是一见钟情。
It was noted that the Upper Mesozoic strata (mainly Cretaceous) as revealed by drill or dredge from the eastern Nansha waters might extend into the hinterland of the Nansha Waters. 南海裂谷期间形成的下第三系具有明显的裂谷充填特徵,其构成生油岩主体。
It was nothing less than a miracle. 那完全是个奇迹。

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