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Don't be anxious if I'm late.

Don't be against the chair , or it will drop down. 别倚桌子,不然它就倒了。
Don't be agitated!Keep calm! 不要激动,保持镇定。
Don't be an attorney, don't be a musician,' says Bice. 波拜斯说:“我告诉他,要成长为一名医生,不要当律师,也别当音乐家。”
Don't be angry over such trivial matters. 别为这些琐事生气。
Don't be angry.Don't be irritated Anger and irritation bring about early aging. 不要气,不要恼,气气恼恼人快老.
Don't be anxious if I'm late. 如果我晚了,你可别担心。
Don't be anxious,keep calm. 不要激动,保持镇定。
Don't be arrogant; be modest and sincere. Don't be ungrateful; repay kind acts. 不做骄傲自恃的人,要做谦和敦厚的人;不做忘恩负义的人,要做感恩图报的人。
Don't be ashamed of your flaws. 不要为你的缺陷感到羞愧。
Don't be bullheaded; listen to your adviser's opinions. 不要顽固了,听一听你指导教授的意见。
Don't be busy accepting your classmates' birthday greetings.when the dwan draws near,put a bouquet of fragrant carnation quietly in your mother's headstock. 不要只忙着接受同学的生日祝福,当曙光初至之时,先在母亲的床头轻轻地放上一束芳香的康乃馨。

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