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Truth, if it becomes a weapon against persons.

Truth will prevail. 真理必胜。
Truth will rise above falsehood as oil above water. 真理从谬误中升起来,就像油浮在水面上一样。
Truth will stand without a prop. 真理能树,不靠支持。
Truth's best ornament is nakedness. 不加掩饰乃是真理的最好装饰。
Truth, for most men, meant plausibility; to be measured by the number of votes you could get. 对于大部分人而言,真理只是似乎合理而已,以票数多寡来取决。
Truth, if it becomes a weapon against persons. 真理,当其成为反对他人的武器。
Truth, once crushed, will rise again. 真理是打不倒的。
Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment. 19口吐真言,永远坚立。舌说谎话,只存片时。
Truthful speech which is inoffensive to others, pleasing and beneficial as well as regular recitation of the Vedic scriptures is declared austerity of speech. 不冲撞冒犯他人,令人愉快,闻之受益的话语,以及经常诵读《呋陀》经典,所有这些被称作是言语(口)上的戒修。
Truthfulness is the foundation of al human virtues. 诚实是人类一切美德的基础。
Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues. 诚实是人类所有美德的基础。

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