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Figure 1: Continuous flow lines in highly stressed crotch area.

Figure 12. Drawing (coronal view) shows the locations of pericecal recesses. 1 = superior ileocecal recess, 2 = inferior ileocecal recess, 3 = retrocecal recess, 4 = paracolic sulci. (Adapted and reprinted, with permission, from reference 41. 图12示意图显示盲肠旁疝的部位。1,回盲上隐窝;2,回盲下隐窝;3,盲肠后隐窝;4,结肠旁沟。
Figure 16 shows the effect of coating the inside of the brick wall with 20 mm of paper. 图16所示为在砖墙内刷漆后加填20毫米厚的纸板层所形成的缓冲效果。
Figure 16. A, Desmoid tumor in a previous scar. B, Color Doppler scan of a Desmoid tumor in a previous scar revealing some vascularity in the lesion. 图16,A,以前疤痕处的硬纤维瘤。B,彩色多普勒扫描以前瘢痕处的硬纤维瘤病变处显示一些血管供应。
Figure 17. The mesenteric cyst with a loop of jejunum. 图17肠系膜囊肿和部分空肠。
Figure 19. Lipoma of the inguinal canal. 图19,腹股沟管脂肪瘤。
Figure 1: Continuous flow lines in highly stressed crotch area. 图1:高应力弯钩区域的连续流径线。
Figure 1: This chart shows the heaviest elements and their atomic makeup. 图1:这个图表显示的重元素和碳原子构成.
Figure 1: This is an Example. 然后写:图1.这是一个例子.
Figure 2 Batch Conversion of DWG/DXF in AutoCAD Civil3D 2008. 图3对话方块提供使用者档案格式、版本选取,并进行批次转换。
Figure 2 includes these additional elements. 图2包括了这些附加的因素。
Figure 2 shows the PSP's process maturity levels. 图二显示PSP过程的成熟度等级。

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