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The governor gave to the treasury one thousand darics of gold, fifty basins, and five hundred thirty priests' garments.

The governor calls in a wild and fierce young hero, to quell what is evidently a ghost. 州长找到一个勇猛的年轻英雄来清除鬼魂。
The governor came to town. (他是个跛足,穿着件女式短上衣。)
The governor commuted the prisoner's sentence of death to one of life imprisonment. 州长帮这名囚犯的死刑刑期减刑为终身监禁。
The governor decreed a day of mourning. 地方长官发布哀悼一日的命令.
The governor fell from the people's favor. 政府失去了人民的爱戴而倒台。
The governor gave to the treasury one thousand darics of gold, fifty basins, and five hundred thirty priests' garments. 省长捐入库中的有金子一千达利克,碗五十个,祭司的礼服五百三十件。
The governor has been invested with full authority to act. 总督已获全权进行处理.
The governor is urging motorists to stay home, so road crews can push tons of snow from area roads. 政府建议汽车驾驶者尽量呆在家中,这样养路工们能够清除机场跑道上的数吨的积雪。
The governor must also do much more to be a true reformer. 要成为一个真正的改革者斯皮策必须做得更多。
The governor must have provision for adjusting speed (generator frequency) and speed droop (no load to full load). 调速器必须具备转速调整(发电机频率)和降速降调整(零负荷到满负荷)功能。
The governor of Jakarta presided over the slaughter and burning of several hundred chickens, ducks, and pigeons dumped into a pit overnight. 雅加达市连夜将几百只鸡、鸭和鸽子宰杀,扔进一个大坑焚烧,由雅加达市市长亲自监督。

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