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A man's voice is usually deeper than a woman's.

A man's shirt is sized by its neck. 男子的衬衫号码是按领口大小分的。
A man's suit consists of coat, vest and trousers. 男人的套装由上衣、背心和裤子组成。
A man's vanity is actually in proportion to ignorance. 一个人的虚荣心实际上和他的愚蠢程度成正比。
A man's violent past comes back to haunt him when an old friend is released from prison with retribution on his mind. 当某人的老朋友怀着报复之心从监狱出时,某人就提心吊胆,他老想起以前的暴力事件。
A man's virtues, and frankness in friendship. 男人的美德,在友谊上开诚布公。
A man's voice is usually deeper than a woman's. 男生的声音通常比女生的声音较为低沉。
A man's voice is usually lower than a woman's. 男子的嗓音通常比女子的低。
A man's wealth is his enemy. 一个人的财富正是他的敌人。
A man's work is rather the needful supplement to himself than the outcome of it. 一个人的工作更多地是他自身的必要补充,而非这种补充的结果。
A man, if he is wise, learns that the world will not end when he makes an error; that there is always a new day and another chance. 聪明人知道,世界不会因他犯的错误而止步不前,总有新的一天、新的机会在眼前。
A man, when he's burning up with passion, wants to see things; he wants to see everything, even how they make water. 男人欲火中烧时想看一些东西,想看一切,甚至想看女人怎样撒尿。

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