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Basically like “adaptive approach”, the method can control triangulation density with respect to the change of normal curvature of the surface generating a small number of triangular facets, and thiny triangles, degenerate triangles and “cracks” in 3D spa

Basically begin pair of industries, industrial investment, be engaged in a shoe kind exit and its shoe kind the management of stuff of the production that makes relevant raw material, sale and leather, chemical industry, metal. 主要开展对产业、实业的投资,并从事鞋类出口及其鞋类制造相关原材料的生产、销售以及皮革、化工、金属材料的经营。
Basically it comes down to whether you hitchhike or go by bus. 基本的一点是你搭便车去还是乘公共汽车去?
Basically it's a ball that spins forward after the strings strike it. 基本上它是在拍线击球后,向前快速旋转的一个球。
Basically it's yours but it lives at our facility. 基本上它是你的,只是它住在我们收容中心。
Basically light involves a vibrating electric field, and when that field has to push around the electrons in a material its life gets more complicated. 光从本质上看就是一个振荡的电场,当这个电场碰到介质中的电子,情况变得更加复杂。
Basically like “adaptive approach”, the method can control triangulation density with respect to the change of normal curvature of the surface generating a small number of triangular facets, and thiny triangles, degenerate triangles and “cracks” in 3D spa 该方法基本上可以像“自适应”方法一样,根据曲面的法曲率变化来控制三角化剖分的密度,生成的三角片数量较少,并且可以避免在三维空间产生狭长的三角形、退化三角形与“裂缝”,运行速度明显比自适应方法快。
Basically repeat the above over and over.. til he's dead. 基本上一次又一次重复上面说的直到哈卡死掉。
Basically speaking, the emotional aspect of human affectivity is originated from, but not limited to, organic body. 人由于意识的出现而有了意向性的作用,于是有情意之发展。
Basically this type of analysis makes use of data related to earnings, sales, assets, and growth of a company's markets to assess whether a company's stock is overvalued or undervalued in relation to its market price. 一般来说,这种类型的分析使用公司收入、销售、资产和市场增长的相关信息来评估公司的股价过高或过低。
Basically unheard of 10 years ago, the metabolic syndrome is now very much on the minds of physicians and patients. 代谢综合征在10年以前并不如现在这样为内科医生和病人所谈论。
Basically, I don't change my hand position. 基本上,我在演奏时不会改变右手的位置。

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