Mr White had so little money a month that he could hardly keep body and soul together .
(怀特先生一个月挣的钱如此少,以致于难以维持活命。) |
Mr White has worded for the company for30 years and now they're giving him the chop.
怀特先生在该公司干了30年,现在却要被解雇了。 |
Mr Wild accused the government of taking a “gunship” approach and ignoring his report's call to invest instead in better education.
瓦尔德对政府予以了指责,认为它采取的办法太过突然(像“武装直升机”一样),罔顾他在报告中所呼吁的要加大投入以改善教育。 |
Mr Wilson points, for example, to the marketing of a “hunting razor” which allowed the busy gentleman to shave at full gallop.
例如威尔森所指出的一种“狩猎剃刀”的上市,这种剃刀让繁忙的商业人士在狂奔时也能刮胡子。 |
Mr Wilson says that such a bespoke service, selling tailor-made essays at short notice, with prices around £70 and upwards, can be used as a guide for students wanting extra assistance.
威尔森说,它们售卖的论文每份70英镑以上,对于希望额外协助的学生,可以作为参考指引。 |
Mr Wilson then answered, All right, dear. How much is it?and took his money out to pay for it.
威尔逊先生于是回答说:“很好,亲爱的,多少钱?”然后取出钱来付帐。 |
Mr Wilson's neighbors say his flowers grow because he has a green thumb.
威尔逊的邻居们说他的花长得好,因为他是园艺高手。 |
Mr Wolfowitz apologised for his indiscretion only once during the meetings.
沃氏只是在会议期间为他的轻率之举道过一次歉。 |
Mr Wolfowitz was preoccupied by grand ends—ousting Saddam Hussein; stamping out corruption.
沃尔福威茨先生曾致力于伟大的目标-驱逐萨达姆侯赛因与打击腐败。 |
Mr Wong has been accused of having a potential conflict of interest over a tax co ultancy run by his wife.
公众指责黄河生的妻子开设税务公司,可能涉及利益冲突。 |
Mr Wong has been accused of having a potential conflict of interest over a tax consultancy run by his wife.
公众指责黄河生的妻子开设税务公司,可能涉及利益冲突。 |