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For the past thirty years, he has been a hard-working public servant.

For the past seven year, he live the life of a drifter. 在过去的七年中他过著流浪汉的生活。
For the past seven years, he lived the life of a drifter. 在过去的七年中他过著漂泊四海者的生活。
For the past several centuries, Europe has been the world's focal killing field, most notably setting in motion the bloodiest wars in history, World Wars I and II, which respectively led to 20 million and 60 million deaths. 最后,欧洲在过去数百年里一直是地球上的杀戮战场,尤其更一手主导了人类史上最血腥的第一次世界大战与第二次世界大战,分别造成了二千万与六千万人死亡。
For the past several decades, cancerous skin lesions and deformed limbs have been all too common among the people of Guizhou Province in southwestern China. 过去几十年来中国西南部的贵州省,切除过皮肤癌的人与生来就有畸形肢的人很常见。
For the past ten years, younger composers like Philip Glass have been on the cutting edge in composing operas that defy most of the traditional rules of writing music. 过去十年来,像菲利普·格拉斯这样的年轻作曲家不受大多数传统作曲规则的约束,一直站在创作歌剧的最前列。
For the past thirty years, he has been a hard-working public servant. 过去的三十年来,他一直是个努力工作的公仆。
For the past three months, robbery cases have decreased 51.6% over last year, car thefts down by 39.3% and motorcycle thefts down by 82.6%. 3个多月来,巡区的路面抢劫案件同比下降51.6%、偷盗汽车案件同比下降39.3%、偷盗摩托车案件同比下降82.6%。。
For the past three years, I have served as a private secretary to Mr. Tang whom you know well, and whose public works have been praised all over Hong Kong. 在过去三年,本人一直担任唐先生的秘书。对于唐先生,阁下必定知悉,唐先生的事业早已为市民所赞赏。
For the past two decades we have been in the thick of a naturalist revolution at work. 在过去的20年里,我们在办公室里深深地陷入了一场自然主义者革命。
For the past two weeks residents living around China's second largest lake have been able to smell a rat—make that two billion rats. 近来两周,生活在中国第二大湖泊周边的居民门都能闻到老鼠的气味—多达二十亿只老鼠。
For the past two weeks residents living around China's second largest lake have been able to smell a rat―make that two billion rats. 在过去的两周里居住在中国第二大淡水湖周围的居民到处可以见到田鼠----大约二十亿只田鼠。

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