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Using the set spantree MST link-type mode port link-type command, you can configure the link type in any of the following three ways.

Using the rubber spatula, gradually fold in the flour, 1/3 at a time, until flour is incorporated. 把过筛后的面粉分3次加入蛋白液中,用橡皮刮刀将其从上往下捞起拌匀。
Using the same control scheme as a grenade (just aim and shoot), the grappling hook can be thrown at and hooked onto any horizontal edge on a structure. 试用和手雷相同的设置(只需要瞄准,发射),攀爬钩可以投射并钩住任何建筑的水平边沿部分。
Using the same data as the World Bank, he calculates that gross margins fell from 18% of sales revenue in 1999 to 15% last year. 单伟建使用世行同样的数据,却计算出销售收入的毛利润从1999年的18%跌落到去年的15%的结果。
Using the same medium gray with the default 50% airbrush set to Screen blending, I get to work modeling the form. 用默认百分之五十的喷笔加相同的中灰度开始在屏幕上涂抹,我得到一个可以开始进行的造型状态。
Using the separating paper to avoid the touch by mistake. 使用离型纸避免版材与胶带非必要的接触.
Using the set spantree MST link-type mode port link-type command, you can configure the link type in any of the following three ways. 使用一个设备MST生成树链路类型使得端口链路类型命令,你能够配置特定的链路类型在以下的三种方法里。
Using the simplified two-step description explained above, the instruction cycle is depicted in Figure 2-3. 以上述最简单的两个步骤为例,指令周期如图2-3。
Using the special blend of pure essential oil, micro-neck therapy massage, improves skin tone and elasticity. 采用配方精华油加上特别按摩手法,令颈部实时收紧颈纹。
Using the special kind of wood and put the herbal into the water. After the skin absorption, it can effect, slimming and firming. The skin becomes soft and smooth. 精选特制的香木,木桶内放有中药材,透过皮肤吸收可达到治疗关节炎、皮肤炎症、减肥及紧肤的功效,长期浸浴,可令肌肤润滑、白嫩。
Using the speed response values of saw blades and workpiece calculated by the large-scale finite element analysis software ANSYS,the cutting noise of the disk saw machine is calculated and analyzed quantificationally in accordance with structural sound ra 并用大型有限元结构分析软件ANSYS计算得到了单元速度值,根据结构振动声辐射理论,对圆盘锯机的锯切噪声进行了定量计算分析。
Using the split steps finite element method, the varied-boundary two-dimensional numerical model of diurnal tide and tidal current in the Luoyuan Bay is constructed. 摘要采用不规则三角形网格的分步杂交法,建立罗源湾海域二维变边界全日潮汐和潮流数值模型。

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