Article 21 The organ for compensatory obligations shall, within 2 months from the date of receipt of the application, pay compensation in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4 of this Law; in case of failure by it to pay compensation within the peri
第二十一条赔偿义务机关应当自收到申请之日起两个月内依照本法第四章的规定给予赔偿;逾期不予赔偿或者赔偿请求人对赔偿数额有异议的,赔偿请求人可以自期间届满之日起三十日内向其上一级机关申请复议。 |
Article 21 The progress of arbitration proceedings shall not be affected notwithstanding the failure of the Respondent to file his defense in writing or the failure of the Claimant to submit his written defense against the Respondent's counterclaim.
第二十一条被申请人未提交书面答辩及/或申请人对被申请人的反请求未提出书面答辩的,不影响仲裁程序的进行。 |
Article 21 The spouses at childbearing age who exercise family planning shall enjoy basic contraceptives free of charge as prescribed by the State.
第二十一条实行计划生育的育龄夫妻免费享受国家规定的基本项目的计划生育技术服务。 |
Article 21 The state develops medical and health services, promotes modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, encourages and supports the setting up of various medical and health facilities by the rural economic collectives, state enterprises and
第二十一条国家发展医疗卫生事业,发展现代医药和我国传统医药,鼓励和支持农村集体经济组织、国家企业事业组织和街道组织举办各种医疗卫生设施,开展群众性的卫生活动,保护人民健康。 |
Article 21 The state practices self-taught higher education examination system. Students having passed the examination shall be issued corresponding certificates of educational background or other certificates of studies.
第二十一条国家实行高等教育自学考试制度,经考试合格的,发给相应的学历证书或者其他学业证书。 |
Article 21 The statistics personnel in charge at government agencies shall respectively draft the statistical programs and collect and compile the statistics required in those programs pursuant to the statistical scheme specified in Article 5 of this Act
第21条各机关主办统计人员,应依本法第五条规定之统计範围划分方案及前条所定全国统计中、长程发展计画,分别订定其统计工作计画,办理统计工作。 |
Article 21 The statistics personnel who collect and compile the statistics shall not abuse his authority and position to infringe the rights of the respondent.
第21条办理统计人员,不得利用其职权及地位,妨害被调查者之权利。 |
Article 21 The steel seal of the State Council shall be made by itself with the diameter of 4.2 centimeters, a national emblem in the center and the title of the organizations around the national emblem from left to right.
二十一、国务院的钢印,直径4.2厘米,中央刊国徽,国徽外刊机关名称,自左而右环行,由国务院自制。 |
Article 21 The system of conferring military ranks by virtue of post grades shall be applied to reserve officers.
第二十一条预备役军官实行职务等级编制军衔。 |
Article 21 Unless otherwise provided by this Act or any other laws, only a thing belonging to the person punished may be subject to forfeiture.
第21条没入之物,除本法或其他法律另有规定者外,以属于受处罚者所有为限。 |
Article 21 Upon the arrival of shipped goods, parcels or luggage, the relevant consignee or passenger shall claim them in time in observance of the time limit set by the competent department in charge of railways under the State Council and at the same ti
第二十一条货物、包裹、行李到站后,收货人或者旅客应当按照国务院铁路主管部门规定的期限及时领取,并支付托运人未付或者少付的运费和其他费用;逾期领取的,收货人或者旅客应当按照规定交付保管费。 |