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Addition to articles of pure cotton, polyester/cotton blends are also mercerized.

Addison, Joseph. The Spectator(1711-1712). In Selected Essays. Edited by Daniel McDonald. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1973, selections. 约瑟夫?爱迪生,《旁观者》(1711-1712)。选自《精选作品集》。丹尼尔?麦克唐纳编辑。印弟安纳波里斯:鲍勃斯-麦利尔出版社,1973版,选集。
Addition and correction of icons for the many NPCs. 增加和修正了许多NPC的标志。
Addition and division are forms of computation. 加法和除法都是计算方法.
Addition and subtraction we call the first -progression operation, multiplication and division we call the second –progression operation. 加法和减法叫做第一级运算,乘法和除法叫做第二级运算.
Addition of chamfering shape on seating surface of joint bolt at atf cooler pipe area. 倒棱增加物的塑造在自动制冷管的范围内、接头螺栓的座套表面。
Addition to articles of pure cotton, polyester/cotton blends are also mercerized. 除了纯棉之外,涤棉混合的纤维也同样可以作丝光处理。
Additional CF studies should also commence in 2007. CF的额外项目也会进行。
Additional Fees: Corporations whose authorized capital exceeds five hundred (500) shares without par value, or with a total par value in excess of US$50000.00, or its equivalent. 额外费用:如公司被获准可发行超过五百(500)股以上的无票面价值股票,或五万(50000)美元的有票面价值股票,或等同数目,均需缴交此费用。
Additional IFSC Judges may be appointed. 也许会指派额外的IFSC裁判员。
Additional ad-hoc committees may be appointed on an annual basis depending on club size and goals. 其它特别委员会可依每年基于扶轮社大小与目标之需求另外指派。
Additional analysis demonstrates the sensitivity of both variance and coefficient of variation of plume concentration to the various variances of hydraulic conductivity field. 另外还分析了污染羽在各点的浓度变化方差和变异系数分别随渗透系数变异方差的变化状况。

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