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But Terry warned that this week's qualifier against Macedonia in Skopje definitely will not be so easy.

But Sunday brought a downpour so heavy that high water covered the road leading into Crawford. 但是周日的雨特别大,雨水淹没了通往克劳福德镇的路。
But Tapiola says there are some hopeful signs that the situation of child labor can get better in Africa. 可是塔皮奥拉说,当地也出现了一些希望,使得非洲的童工问题可能渐渐好转。
But Taurus ruled only by reflection, as it were. 但金牛宫只通过反射来统治。
But Television encourages us to apply no effort. It sells us instant gratification. It diverts us only to divert, to make the time pass without pain. 但电视鼓励我们不做出任何努力,它向我们兜售即时的满足,它给我们提供娱乐,使我们只想娱乐,让时间在毫无痛苦中消磨掉。
But Terry refused to blame Hunt, adding: I don't want to get caught up in that. The main thing is that Petr's OK and doing much better. 但是特里拒绝责怪亨特,他说:“我不希望追究这个,最主要的事情是切赫没事并且会变的更好。”
But Terry warned that this week's qualifier against Macedonia in Skopje definitely will not be so easy. 但是特里指出在这周中对马其顿的比赛肯定不会这么容易了。
But Tevez's representative Kia Joorabchian is confident the contractual problems will be successfully been ironed out. 但特维斯的经纪人霍拉不钦自信合同问题最后将顺利解决。
But Tew said that on Jan. 7, he received a threat from an organization calling itself The Dark Group,demanding that he pay them $50,000 within 72 hours or face having his site taken down. 图说,1月7日那天,他收到一个自称为黑色组织发来的威胁邮件,要挟他在72小时内给交出5万美元,否则他的网站就保不住了。
But The Magic Brush could be the breakout film that will lift Centro to new heights. 但《神笔马良》将会是电影业里的突破,将会把先涛公司推向另一高峰。
But Tibetan and foreign critics say that the railway benefits Han Chinese, China's dominant ethnic group, at the expense of Tibetan natives. 青藏铁路的总造价约41亿美元,整个工程历时几十年的时间。
But Tom Hanks' $25 million was thought to be worth every pennybecause he remains one of the most bankable brand names in the world. 然而,身价250万美元的超级巨星汤姆·汉克斯还是被《娱乐周刊》认为“物有所值”,因为他是“世界上最受银行信赖的品牌之一”。

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