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They sling up boxes from the cellar.

They slaughtered the Passover lamb on the fourteenth day of the second month. 16遵着神人摩西的律法,照例站在自己的地方。
They slay the widow and the alien; they murder the fatherless. 6他们杀死寡妇和寄居的、又杀害孤儿。
They slay the widow and the stranger And murder the orphans. 诗94:6他们杀死寡妇和寄居的、又杀害孤儿。
They sledded seventy miles up the Yukon, swung to the left into the Stewart River, passed the Mayo and the McQuestion, and held on until the Stewart itself became a streamlet, threading the upstanding peaks which marked the backbone of the continent. 他们驾着雪橇沿育空河而上走了七十英里,左转进司徒尔特河,经过麻约和迈科奎恩,一直向前,直到司徒尔河变成了一条小溪,穿过作为大陆脊梁的高高耸立的山峰。
They sleep a lot and get fed often. 它们睡眠充足,经常得到喂养。
They sling up boxes from the cellar. 他们把箱子从地窖中吊挂上来。
They slither while they pass. 它们划过时尽显其飘逸之姿。
They slopped along the muddy road. 他们踩著泥泞的道路行进。
They slowly clawed their way up the cliff. 他们缓慢地爬上峭壁.
They smashed all the carved paneling with their axes and hatchets. 6圣所中一切雕刻的、他们现在用斧子锤子打坏了。
They smashed the enemy's defences. 他们摧毁了敌人的防卫工事。

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