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His views echoed the report\'s conclusions, which showed that the country\'s wealthier cities have outperformed their less well-to-do counterparts in terms of the quality of the public services on offer.

His view is voiced by more and more people, but finds no echo in my heart. 他的观点得到越来越多的人的附和,但我一点也不认同。
His view of life is different from yours. 他的人生观与你的不同。
His view was seconded by many experts. 他的观点受到许多专家的支持。
His viewpoint is just for your reference. 7他的观点仅供你参考。
His views are counter to mine. 他的见解与我的相反。
His views echoed the report\'s conclusions, which showed that the country\'s wealthier cities have outperformed their less well-to-do counterparts in terms of the quality of the public services on offer. 他的看法重复了报告者的结论,那些富裕的城市比不怎么富裕的城市所受到的服务有所区别。
His views lack consistency: one day he's a conservative, the next he's a liberal. 他的观点缺乏一贯性: 时而保守, 时而开明.
His views on capital punishment are unpalatable to many. 他对死刑存废的见解许多人都不以为然.
His views on divorce are unpalatable to many women. 他对离婚的看法是很多妇女无法接受的。
His views were fully set forth in a written statement. 他的观点在一篇书面声明中得到了充分的阐述。
His village home lay there at the end of the waste land, beyond the sugar-cane field, hidden among the shadows of the banana and the slender areca palm, the coconut and the dark green jack-fruit trees. 他的家就在荒地边缘的村庄里,在甘蔗园之后,隐藏在香蕉树、细长槟榔树、椰子树以及深绿榴莲树的浓荫里。

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