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He felt no shame and no regret.

He felt misused by the company. 他觉得公司对他使用不当。
He felt more like laughing at the child's escapade than scolding him, but, solemn as an owl, he got through the necessary reprimand. 那孩子的恶作剧与其说让他责骂,倒不如说让他啼笑皆非,然而,他还是起来进行了必要的惩戒。
He felt more uneasy, with the whole class staring at him. 全班都瞧着他,他更感到不自在了。
He felt mortified for his mistake. 他对他的错深感羞愧.
He felt most queer , however, when he visited the Pyramids . 但是,当他参观金字塔的时候,他感到很奇怪。
He felt no shame and no regret. 他不感到羞愧,也不感到遗憾。
He felt obligated to help. 他觉得有责任予以帮助.
He felt out of place in their company. 与他们在一起他感到不自在。
He felt pity for a man suffering so much. 他对那个受过那么多痛苦的人感到同情。
He felt proud, looking back, of what he had done to bind up his damaged country. 回首过去,他对他自己做的工作能够包扎这个国家的伤口感到非常满意。
He felt quite restored after a bath. 他洗过澡之後感觉完全恢复了体力。

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