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Role of the pathogen of gonorrhea , Chlamydia trachomatis and mycoplasma urealiticum in acute pelvic inflammatory disease
与淋病双球菌、衣原体 、 支原体在急性盆腔炎发病中的作用>>相似的文献.

Inoculating experiment showed that high temperature and humidity were needed for the pathogen infection 接种试验结果显示该病菌侵染需要较大湿度和较高温度.
Comparison of sensitivity of different primer sets for the detection of HLB pathogen 不同引物检测HLB病菌灵敏度比较.
A pathogen must prevent one of three stages of immune function: detection, activation, or effector function 在侵染过程中,病原体必须逃避宿主三大免疫功能 之一: 检测 、 激活及效应功能.
After pathogen infection, plant will acquire a long lasting broad - spectrum resistance, known as systemic acquired 受病原体感染后, 植物会获得一种持久广泛的抗性, 称为系统获得性抗性,受到昆虫侵害时也会获得类似的系统获得性抗性.
The mechanism of plant pathogen killing or inhibition by biogas slurry is always the emphases sissue 有关沼液抑制或杀灭植物病原菌的机理一直是人们关注的重点.
Role of the pathogen of gonorrhea , Chlamydia trachomatis and mycoplasma urealiticum in acute pelvic inflammatory disease 与淋病双球菌、衣原体 、 支原体在急性盆腔炎发病中的作用>>相似的文献.
Objective To investigate pathogen lose existing or not in patients with radiation mucositis 摘要目的探讨在放射性粘膜炎中是否存在致病菌方法.
To explore the directive significance on the differentiated treatment of nephritis ( RPN ) toxic pathogen 探讨毒邪对 急进 性肾炎发病及治疗的指导意义.
The pathogen was separated from diseased cucumber plant of Wuqing region and cultivated in PDA medium 摘要从武清等地常规分离黄瓜发病病株,PDA培养基上培养.
Objective To definite the pathogen was penicillium marneffei ( PM ) separated from the patient 目的明确并检出患者体内的病原菌为 马尔 尼菲青霉菌.
Epitope - based vaccines provide a new strategy for prophylactic and therapeutic application of pathogen - specific immunity 表位疫苗为用特定病原菌的免疫性预防和治疗疾病提供了一项新的策略.

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