sinense in the lowest;
sinense最低 ; |
sinensis Palmer, and Neolepisorus truncatus Ching et P.S.
sinensis Palmer和截基盾蕨Neolepisorus truncatus Ching et P.S. |
sinensis is located at nm, while the S_λmax of Cx. pipies pallens and Ae. aegypti is at 98nm.
中华按蚊的S_λmax在 nm,淡色库蚊和埃及伊蚊的S_λmax在98nm; |
single or two caespitous stromata, cylindrical,. ~ .0cm in height; the stipes as thick as fertile part, cylindrical, white or brown,0.7 ~ cm×~ mm, with a cortex of pseudoparenchyma;
贵州虫草寄生于刺蛾茧上,茧表面褐色,椭圆形,大小为~×~9mm,在一个茧上可长~根子座,子座单生,不分枝,圆柱形,高.~cm; |
singlecrystals and spheric particles.
它们的结晶过程不仅与辐照条件有关,而且与PTFE晶体的完整性有关。 |
sinica, E.
类型Ⅱ:种子表面具疣状突起,仅发现木贼麻黄(E.equisetina)一种; |
sinica, Z.
sinica,z. |
sinica: frontal knob small,about 0μm,clasper thin and slender and suits to its thin and slender body.
sinica额结节小,约0μm,抱持器纤细,与其细长体形一致,其体宽体长比值为0.0。 |
sinodenticulata (Balf. F. et Forrest) W.
sinodenticulata (Balf.F .etForrest)W . |
smithii Komárek & Anagnostidis 99,and M. botrys Teiling 9.
smithii Komárek & Anagnostidis 99和M. botrys Teiling 9。 |
so the works provide not only a powerful study vision of Bai Xianyong 's pessimistic and pitiful depression , but also a reference about how to mix the religions culture and human culture together .
这样,不仅为解读白先勇的悲悯情怀提供了一个有力的研究视角,而且为宗教文化融入人文建构提供了借鉴。 |