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Whatever share of media ends up being downloaded, Amazon will miss out unless it introduces its own service.

Whatever optimism fans in Rocket-town had was based on the health of Yao and T-Mac, a modest three-game winning streak and on the team being only four games removed from the last playoff spot out west. 火箭球迷的乐观是建立在拥有健康的姚明和麦蒂,一波恰到好处的三连胜和球队距离西部第八只有四个胜场差的基础上的。
Whatever our personal frailties may be,the nobility of our calling will always be rooted in two commitments difficult to observe:refusal to lie about what we know and resistance to oppression. 不管我们人性的弱点是什么,我们这个职业的神圣之处在于它将永远植根于两种很难去奉行的承诺:拒绝对我们所知道的事情说谎以及反抗压迫。
Whatever place, whatever time, handset power turnoff, it can promptly supply electric power to keep normal communication by phone. 本产品无论何时何地,手机断电,都可以即时补充电能,以便正常通话。
Whatever positions, any position, as long as I like the work, I would tap my greatest potential for the company to create the greatest gains. 无论什么岗位,什么职务,只要是我喜欢的工作,我都会挖掘出我最大的潜力为公司创造最大的收益。
Whatever sector you are involved in, Flanders Investment &Trade will help you to establish contact with the Flemish companies you are looking for. 无论贵公司专长哪个领域,法兰德斯大区外国投资和贸易促进局都将竭尽全力协助贵公司与贵公司希望寻找的相关领域内的法兰德斯大区企业建立起商业联系。
Whatever share of media ends up being downloaded, Amazon will miss out unless it introduces its own service. 不管这些媒体的物理载体会不会因为下载而消失,要是不推出下载服务,亚马逊都会错过成功的机会。
Whatever shortcomings he may have, he is a good comrade. 无论他可能会有什么缺点,他都不失为一个好同志。
Whatever solution they propose to the shortage of kidneys, nobody doubts that the black market, as it now works, has grotesque effects, both for donors and recipients. 无论提出怎样的解决肾脏短缺的方案,没有人怀疑黑市对捐献者和接受者双方都带来可笑的结果,正如目前的情形那样。
Whatever style a team plays, as has been proved by the World Cup games, there must be good balance between attack and defense, and it is wrong to overemphasize one to the neglect of the other in actual fighting. 历届世界杯比赛证明,不管球队的风格怎样,他们的进攻和防守都能达到一定的平衡,过分强调一方面而忽略了另一方面都是错误的。
Whatever text box this property is set to will have its default context menu suppressed. 不管哪种文本框,一旦设置了这个属性,就会禁用它默认的上下文菜单。
Whatever the Sea Goat chooses to do when traveling it's likely to be enjoyed at a leisurely pace. 不管魔羯座选择在旅行时做什么,都会放慢脚步来享受。

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