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I can't do the crossword today I must be losing my touch.

I can't do it, and don't intend to. 我不能做这件事,也不想做。
I can't do laundry because the washing machine is broken. 因为洗衣机坏了,所以我不能洗衣服。。
I can't do tadpoles again, they keep these things on file. 我不能再用蝌蚪了,学校有记录。
I can't do tadpoles, again. They keep these things on file. 我不能再做蝌蚪的研究了他们都有记录的。
I can't do that. 我不能那样做。
I can't do the crossword today I must be losing my touch. 我今天填不出这纵横字谜了--一定是本事不济了。
I can't do the fourth and fifth questions but I've done all the others. 第四题和第五题我不会, 但是剩下的我都答了.
I can't do two things at once. 我不能同时做两件事情。
I can't do with his insolence. 我忍受不了他那傲慢无礼的态度
I can't do without a dictionary. 没有字典我做不了。
I can't eat any more; my stomach is bulging. 我一点也吃不下,肚子都鼓起来了。

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