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Two thousand years lateran investigation headed by a leading criminal profiler uncovers an entirely different story.

Two thirds of the water is polluted. 三分之二的水被污染了。
Two thousand and forty yuan. 两千零四十元。
Two thousand five was also a year for dealing with the effects of nature at its most unforgiving. 2005年同样也是人类遭受了大自然灾祸影响的一年。
Two thousand years ago in the Kingdom of Israel, the Philistine army marched into the valley of Elah and set up camp. 两千年前于以色列王国中,腓力斯军队开拔至以拉峡谷中扎营。
Two thousand years ago near that spot was an old Buddhist temple. 两千年前,台址近旁有一座古老的佛寺。
Two thousand years lateran investigation headed by a leading criminal profiler uncovers an entirely different story. 两千年后在一位犯罪研究专家的带领下进行的一项的调查揭示了一个完全不同的故事。
Two threads of execution can update and access separate memory locations without interfering with each other. 两个不同的线程可以互不干扰地对不同的内存位置进行读写操作。
Two threats dominated attention: escalating terrorism and the proliferation of WMD. 这两种威胁为主注意:升级,恐怖主义和扩散大规模杀伤性武器.
Two thugs from the Perth suburb of Midland catch the last train to Fremantle. 来自柏斯市郊的流氓赶上了往弗里曼特尔的末班车。
Two thumbs up! 非常好!
Two times two is four. 二乘二等于四。

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