Sponsorship may be very important, but through other ways you can also promote your brand,ZTE's Mr Shi said.
“赞助也许非常重要,但你通过其它途径也能推广品牌,”中兴通讯的史先生说。 |
Spontaneous speeches are seldom worth the paper they are not written on.
自然,感动人心的演说,通常是不会被写在稿子上的! |
Spreading out caloric intake, rather than having a few large meals, leads to a better metabolic profile,Willett says.
“将热量的摄取分散开来,而不是集中在一两顿饱饭上,这对新陈代谢也有好处,”维列特说。 |
Squall, now's your chance!
现在是你的机会! |
Squat down here a minute,he said. I humored him. We hunkered down on our haunches like Indians.
“蹲下一会,”他说。我蹲下后,他象个印度人一样地盘腿坐了下来。 |
Squidsounds better than steak.
「乌贼」听起来比「牛排」更顺耳。(发音问题?) |
Stability of Iraq is contingent upon a domestic pact among Iraqis.
他同时称伊拉克的叛乱仅用军事手段是不可能被击败的。 |
Stability of Iraq is contingent(temporary) upon a domestic pact among Iraqis.
伊拉克的稳定因为国内伊拉克人之间的合约而可能暂时存在。 |
Stand fast now in your spells And in your many sorceries With which you have labored from your youth; Perhaps you will be able to profit, Perhaps you may cause trembling.
赛47:12站起来罢、用你从幼年劳神施行的符咒、和你许多的邪术、或者可得益处、或者可得强胜。 |
Stand in the holy place with a group of Levites for each subdivision of the families of your fellow countrymen, the lay people.
5要按着你们的弟兄,这民宗族的班次,站在圣所,每班中要利未宗族的几个人。 |
Stand up and walk. Move forward. You have two good legs.
「站起来,向前走。因为妳有一双完美的腿。」 |