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Lk. 9:5 And as many as do not receive you, as you go out from that city, shake off the dust from your feet for a testimony against them.

Lk. 9:29 And as He prayed, the appearance of His face became different, and His garment dazzling white. 路九29正祷告的时候,他的面貌就不同了,衣服闪耀白色。
Lk. 9:3 And He said to them, Take nothing for the journey, neither a staff nor a bag nor bread nor money, nor have two tunics apiece. 路九3对他们说,行路的时候,不要带手杖和口袋,不要带食物和银子,名人也不要有两件里衣。
Lk. 9:32 Now Peter and those with him had been overcome with sleep, but when they had fully woken up, they saw His glory and the two men who were standing with Him. 路九32彼得和同他在一起的都打盹瞌睡,既清醒了,就看见耶稣的荣耀,并同他站着的那两个人。
Lk. 9:39 And behold, a spirit takes him, and suddenly he cries out, and it throws him into convulsions with foaming; and it hardly goes away from him, all the time crushing him. 路九39看哪,他被灵抓住,就忽然喊叫,灵又叫他抽疯,口中流沫,并且重重地伤害他,难以离开他。
Lk. 9:41 And Jesus answered and said, O unbelieving and perverted generation! How long shall I be with you and bear with you? Bring your son here. 路九41耶稣说,唉,不信且悖谬的世代!我在你们这里,忍耐你们要到几时?把你的儿子带到这里来吧。
Lk. 9:5 And as many as do not receive you, as you go out from that city, shake off the dust from your feet for a testimony against them. 路九5凡不接待你们的,你们离开那城的时候,就把脚上的尘土跺下去,作反对他们的见证。
Lk. 9:57 And as they went along the road, someone said to Him, I will follow You wherever You go. 路九57他们行路的时候,有一个人对耶稣说,你无论往那里去,我都要跟从你。
Lk. 9:8 And by some that Elijah had appeared, and by others that a certain prophet of the ancients had risen up. 路九8又有人说,是伊莱贾显现。还有人说,是古时的一位申言者又活了。
Llisen to the tape then answer this question. How must Amy clean the house? 听录音回答问题,艾米必须怎样打扫房间?
Lloyd Dobler: 'Cause I'm a guy. I have pride. 因为我是男孩,我有自尊的。
Lloyd joined Dearne Valley Printers, in Wath upon Dearne, near Rotherham, when he left school and rose to become manager. 毕业后劳埃德加入罗瑟勒姆附近的“迪尔尼山谷印刷厂”,一步步干到公司经理的位置。

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