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The average American uses 12.4 gallons of water to take a shower which lasts, on the average, 10.4 minutes at an average temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

The avascular villi of molar pregnancy are quite large. However, these must be distinguished from simple hydropic degenerationseen in placentas of fetuses undergoing intrauterine demise. 葡萄胎无血管绒毛是十分大的。须与单纯水样变性相区别。图示子宫内胎盘正在死亡。
The avenger of blood shall put the murderer to death when he encounters him. 他是故意杀人的;报血仇的一遇见,就可以杀他。
The avenues for development are open now. 通往发展之路现在向你开放。
The avenues of the area were crowded with visitors. 这个地区的大街上挤满了参观的人群。
The average American eats some form of junk food everyday. 一般的美国人每天都要吃垃圾食品/热量高而营养价值低的食品。
The average American uses 12.4 gallons of water to take a shower which lasts, on the average, 10.4 minutes at an average temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit. 每个美国人平均用12.4加仑的水洗澡。平均而言,这些水能持续10.4分钟保持在105华氏度。
The average American, however, truly does have a hard time understanding a nonstandard accent. 然而,一般的美国人确实不太容易明白不标准的口音。
The average British holidaymaker will travel 248,000 miles during their lifetime - enough to circumnavigate the globe 10 times, new research has claimed. 一项最新的调查结果显示,对于一个普通的英国度假者来说,其一生中外出旅游的总里程达到了24.8万英里,这足够绕地球转上10次了。
The average Briton spends 15.8 hours a week online, the equivalent to 34 days a year. 一般英国人每周上网的时间为15.8个小时,相当于一年34天。
The average European cow is allotted a subsidy of more than $2 a day, more than many citizens of the world have to live on. 在欧洲国家,平均—头奶牛每天获得的补贴超过2美元,比世界上许多国家公民的生活费还要高。
The average Italian woman is busy for 10 or 11 hours a day, versus 9-10 hours in Germany, France, Portugal and Spain, and a relatively easy-going 7-8 hours in Sweden and Finland, according to the survey by Rome's Ipsa Institute. 根据这项由罗马艾普沙研究所进行的调查,意大利妇女平均每天工作10-11个小时,而德国、法国、葡萄牙和西班牙的妇女每天只工作9-10小时,瑞典和芬兰的妇女更轻松,只有7-8个小时。

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