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The omnipresent Ultimate Consciousness never accepts the sins nor either the virus of anyone; actual knowledge is enveloped by ignorance and because of that the living entities are deluded.

The omens are poor, yet I cannot help the Sultan weeps for you. 前景很糟糕,但是现在我只能为你叹息。
The omens, however, are bad. 然而,目前看兆头可不好。
The omission of Cristiano Ronaldo from United's squad to face Glentoran on Wednesday is merely a precautionary measure against a minor ankle injury. 罗缺席周三晚的友谊赛,但无需担忧,他仅仅是为了防止加重脚踝的伤势。
The omission of the MVP front-runner and Europe's top basketball export doesn't diminish the spot's appeal. But it probably could have helped Nowitzki's. 忽略本赛季MVP的领先者和欧洲最顶尖的篮球运动员,并没有降低这则广告的号召力,但(如果德克参与其中的话,)这则广告很可能会提高诺维茨基在赛场内外的影响力。
The omnipotent God will help us. 万能的上帝会帮助我们的。
The omnipresent Ultimate Consciousness never accepts the sins nor either the virus of anyone; actual knowledge is enveloped by ignorance and because of that the living entities are deluded. 无所不在的根本觉知知觉(意识)永远也不接受任何人的罪恶和毒害。由于其真识被无知所遮蔽,众生无明。
The on impact fatality rate for this exercise was only 5%. 此次演习的坠机灾祸率只有5%。
The on-line controlling model of participatory relationship can be applied to the multi-group collaborative system to improve the widespread ratio of participation. 此种参与关系之线上管理控制模式可应用于多维群组合作系统中以改善群组参与之广泛率。
The on-site service is $ 500 a year after the warranty. 在保修期外的现场服务是500美金一年。
The onFocus, onBlur and onChange events are often used in combination with validation of form fields. 这些事件经常组合起来使用在表单的验证上。
The onboard processor offers other ways to save power. 在尘粒内装设处理器,是节省电力的另一种途径。

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