Wrapping aluminium foil round a joint allows the meat to cook in its own juice/juices.
用铝箔把肉包住使之在原汁中烹制. |
Wrapping up that unwanted picture frame from last Christmas and giving it to someone else as a gift might not be as taboo as it once was, according to a study.
一项调查表明,将不合心意的礼物,如上个圣诞节收到的相框,重新包装一下转送给别人已经不再是一种忌讳了。 |
Wrapping up that unwanted picture frame from last Christmasandgiving it to someone else as a gift might not be as taboo asitonce was, according to a study.
美国哈里斯互动市场调查公司所做的此项调查共有1505名成年人参加,调查发现,超过半数的受访者承认自己转送过礼物,这已成为一种可接受的普遍现象。 |
Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?
4忿怒为残忍,怒气为狂澜,惟有嫉妒,谁能敌得住呢。 |
Wreaths hang on the front doors of many homes at Christmas. Why? The round shape symbolizes Unending love for family and friends.
在圣诞节期间,很多家庭的正门都挂上花环。为什么?圆圈代表象征着家庭和朋友的友爱永无至境。 |
Wreaths of smoke rose from the chimney.
一圈圈的烟从烟囱冉冉升起。 |
Wreck of the White Ship in the English Channel, drowning William Adelin, son of Henry I of England.
1120年,白色号船在英格兰海峡失事,溺死了英格兰亨利二世国王的儿子,威廉·阿德林。 |
Wreck, a ship lost at sea or (partly) destroyed on rocks.
失事的船,触礁的船,(失事船只的)残骸。 |
Wrecks that contain loot can now be salvaged without having to remove the loot first.
包含战利品的残骸现在可以在没有取走战利品的前提下打捞。 |
Wrestle is an all-round counterwork.
格斗是一种综合性的对抗技击。 |
Wrestlers do it all the time to make a weight class.
摔交选手为了达到某个重量级别总是如法炮制。 |