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Sorry, there is no one by the name of Johnson here.

Sorry, the line is busy. 对不起,线路正忙.
Sorry, the page you want to visit is no longer available, please visit our home page. Thank you. 对不起,您要访问的页面已经不存在,请访问俏娘子婚庆网主页,谢谢。
Sorry, the subscriber you dialed has set embarring on incoming calls. 对不起,你所拨打的用户已设置呼入限制。
Sorry, the vacancy in the office has been filled. 对不起,职员的空缺已有人补上。
Sorry, there is no baggage deposite office in the airport. 对不起,机场没有行李寄存处。
Sorry, there is no one by the name of Johnson here. 对不起,这里没人叫约翰逊。
Sorry, there is no smoking room in TAIYUAN airport. 对不起,太原机场没有吸烟室。
Sorry, there is no web page matching your request in our website. 对不起,我们网站里找不到您输入的连接。
Sorry, there is something wrong with the magnetic stripe (bar code)。It must be replaced. Please borrow it next time. 对不起,该书数据(磁条、条码)有问题,请稍等,我去处理一下。(对不起,该书数据有问题,无法出借,请下次再借。)
Sorry, there was a problem with the info you entered. 对不起,你输入的信息有问题。
Sorry, there's no one here by the name of Mary. 对不起,这儿有没有叫玛丽的人。

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