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The jury acquitted him of stealing.

The jurist entirely lost sight of the personal conditions of the accused, and the social conditions of the community. 法官完全忽略了被告人的具体情况和其社区的社会环境。
The juristic and social value are of the major themes that the urban planning should concentrate on. 摘要城市规划具备着法的一般特征,其法律价值和社会价值也是学科所关注的根本问题。
The juror expertly answered the lawyer's questions and showed he had something on the ball. 陪审员巧妙地回答了律师的问题,显示出他很有才干。
The jury acquitted him of all complicity in that murder. 陪审团宣告他与这件谋杀案毫无牵连。
The jury acquitted him of murder. 陪审团宣告他无谋杀罪。
The jury acquitted him of stealing. 陪审团宣告他被控的盗窃罪不成立。
The jury announced their verdict. 陪审团做出了裁决。
The jury awarded $5,000 in damages. 陪审团判给五千元赔偿金。
The jury brought in a verdict of guilty. 陪审团作出有罪的裁决。
The jury brought in an open verdict, but the judge immediately ordered a re-trial. 陪审团提出了一个存疑裁决,但法官当即宣布这案子应该重审。
The jury concluded that he was guilty. 陪审团认定他有罪。

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