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Horses are easy to tame but tigers are hard to tame.

Horse racing has been traced to the Olympic Games of about 600 BC. 赛马可追溯到公元前600年的奥运会。
Horse-drawn buggies took mourners to a hilltop cemetery in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania where the 5th victim of Monday's Amish school shooting was laid to rest today. 今天马车带着哀悼者来到宾夕法尼亚洲蓝开斯特县的的一个山顶陵园里。在那里躺着在阿门什宗教学校周一发生的枪案中的第五位受害者。
Horse? Can't you give me one? 则会出现这句话:「马?你不能给我一匹吗?」
Horseman 100 -2 days travel time on stable trips (min. 1 day). 骑师100减少2天骑马旅行的时间(最低为1天)。
Horseman in Red:A Tibetan horseman wearing traditional racing attire gathers his energy before a village competition outside of Lhasa. 红色骑手:在拉萨郊外的村庄,一位藏族的骑手身穿传统的赛马服装,他们相信这样的服饰能够在比赛前为赛手增聚活力。
Horses are easy to tame but tigers are hard to tame. 马容易驯服,但老虎难以驯服。
Horses cannot speak, their welfare have to rely on Steward Motto: Help > Prevent > Intervene. 因为马不能说话,所以其安全、福利均依靠赛事监管去协助、预防及介入。
Horses have personalities just like people do, and he is an expert at matching the animal to the job. 马匹就像人们做的有个性,他是一个配合动物的工作的专家.
Horses live in a monochrome world. 马则生活在一个单色的世界里。
Horses pulled the sleigh through the snow. 马儿拉着雪橇穿过雪地。
Horses with very big gaits, with slow-moving hind legs, may have a lovely set rhythm but it can be much more difficult to collect and transfer the weight back on the hind legs. 步伐跨度很大,后退移动缓慢的马匹可能有着非常可爱的节奏感,但是对这样的马匹而言,将重量集中并转移到后退要困难的多。

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