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The report revealed that Nicholas Tse was accompanying Cheung from the very beginning.

The report on the hospital mentions such desiderata as a supply of clean laundry. 报告中提到该医院需要乾净的洗换物品.
The report on this scandal appeared on the front-page of the Washington Post. 这桩丑闻的报道出现在了《华盛顿邮报》的头版。
The report proved true. 那报告证明是确凿的。
The report puts the blame for the accident squarely on the driver of the train. 报导乾脆地将意外的错怪在火车司机的身上。
The report released Saturday by the UN office on Drugs and crime says poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has increased nearly 60% in the past year. 欧盟于周六发布的一项关于毒品与犯罪的报告中指出,阿富汗的毒品产值去年增涨了60%。
The report revealed that Nicholas Tse was accompanying Cheung from the very beginning. 报道透露谢霆锋从最开始就一路陪伴柏芝。
The report reveals that poaching is rife in some parts of Mongolia and Russia. 报道介绍说偷猎者们正在蒙古和俄罗斯使用来佛枪捕杀麝。
The report revived the long simmering spreculation that one or more world famous miners ,cashed up on the back of rocketing metal prices ,would swoop down on the small company . 这份报告使得酝酿已久的一些投机活动有所抬头,一家或多家世界知名矿业公司,由于在暴涨的金属价格中获利颇丰,将会迅速捕获这家小公司。
The report said Lee halted shooting when a neighboring mosque held a prayer session. 据报道,在传来教堂的午祷声,李安暂停停拍。
The report said detection of sporting potential by examining the ratio between the index and ring fingers could help identify talented individuals at a pre-competitive stage. 研究报告中说,通过研究食指和无名指之间的比例探测人的竞技潜力可以及早发现(未过竞技年龄)竞技人才。
The report said films and soap operas which highlight gangsters' loyalty and masculinity -- traits traditionally admired in Korea -- were a major obstacle in cracking down on them. 报道中说,韩国一些电影和肥皂剧中常会对匪徒的忠心和男子气概加以突出,而这种精神正是韩国人历来所敬佩的,所以这成为打击犯罪团伙的一个主要障碍。

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