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Applying the theory of dissipation structure to college educational administration means following the law of systematic science and structural adjusting mechanism, continuously introducing negative entropy, overcoming the wasted entroy of the system so a

1 Applying the principal and agent theory in social insurance reform,this paper introduces the incentive model for promoting medical treatment quality by Game method and give a equilibrium solution at the special condition. 已记 看解释
2 Applying the relevant analysis approach of gray system, the authors analyze and assess the average of 9 pasture species on the 12 indexes, including the total covering rate, the hight of grass, green period, reviving period, resisting disease, tiller, len 已记 看解释
3 Applying the statistical analysis of demographic sociology, this paper focuses on the relationship between the sex ratio at birth for the Han and the marriage migration of female minorities in China. 已记 看解释
4 Applying the technology of smooth blasting, the complete section of the Ⅲ surrounding rock and the half section of the broken and the Ⅱ surrounding rock have been excavated at the obverse step. 已记 看解释
5 Applying the theories of zero dynamics and exact linearization, this paper researches the stabilities of several control methods of an anti-ship missile. 已记 看解释
6 Applying the theory of dissipation structure to college educational administration means following the law of systematic science and structural adjusting mechanism, continuously introducing negative entropy, overcoming the wasted entroy of the system so a 已记 看解释
7 Applying the theory of hemodynamics, hemodynamics experimental model of heart-coronary artery-myocardial bridge system is proposed. 已记 看解释
8 Applying the valence theory, this paper makes quantitative and qualitative analysis of the five common meanings of the high-frequency verb WEI from such perspectives as the valence form, the constitution of the main valence words, and the differences and 已记 看解释
9 Applying those engineering techniques, at present, the following results are obtained: the ground temperatures on the top and at the bottom of an embankment made of crushed rock are all lower than those of common embankment, so the crushed rock embankment 已记 看解释
10 Applying varieties of work measurement methods, work study on Weiber R6C full automatic linear edge bonding machine of some enterprise was carried through. 已记 看解释
11 Applying with method of Bibliometrics,from the angle of word frequency Distribution of Mesh and Keywords,the paper had studied author of open paper about medical service quality research.Meanwhile,we summarized emphases and hotspot integrating with conten 已记 看解释

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