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Nanobiomaterial is a multidisciplinary scientific field with roots in life science, material science and nanotechnology.

Nano Far-infrared Ray promotes blood circulation and metabolism and massage deeply bottom of feet. 纳米远红外线能促进血液循环与新陈代谢,深层按摩脚底。
Nano technology will soon pervade the world. 奈米科技将很快普及于全世界。
Nano-materials are functional materials with manifold excellent performances and have broad application prospects. 摘要纳米材料是具有多种优异性能的功能材料,有广阔的应用前景。
Nano-matreials have a perfect perspective for their volume effects and surface effects, which could enhance biologic activity, adhesiveness and proliferation of cells. 纳米材料因具有一些独特的效应,如体积效应和表面效应,有利于细胞黏附、增殖和功能表达,因而作为生物医用材料特别是组织工程支架材料具有良好的应用前景。
Nano-powder's water-based dispersing compound is an important pre-substance for preparation of functional finishing agent, and the evaluating methods of it's dispersion always play a key part in nano-materials' applying research. 摘要纳米粉体水基分散体是制备功能性涂饰剂的一个重要前驱体,其分散性的评价方法是纳米材料应用研究中很重要的一部分。
Nanobiomaterial is a multidisciplinary scientific field with roots in life science, material science and nanotechnology. 摘要纳米生物材料的理论和实验研究正成为现代生物和医用材料的研究热点。
Nanobots in general may not be terribly interesting as a way of making prodigious amounts of things, but self-replicating nanobots are really interesting. 奈米机器人如果只作为大量生产的工具,大概不算特别吸引人,但能自我复制却真的很有趣。
Nanocolorants are new kind of colorants which can combine the advantages of both pigments and dyes, and will be promisingly applied to photoelectric high-tech fields. 摘要纳米色料是一类可以结合颜料和染料两者优点的新型色料,除了在传统的着色领域具有独特优势外,在光电高新技术领域也具有广阔的应用前景。
Nanofiltration(NF)—Nanofiltration is a membrane process capable of separating preferentially different fluids or ions.Its membrane's pores are typically much larger than the membrane pores used in RO while smaller than in UF.Thus,particles with larger cha 纳滤—纳滤是介于超滤和反渗透之间的膜分离技术,具有纳米级的孔径确保它能截留透过超滤膜的那部分相对小的分子量的有机物,而透析被反渗透所截留的无机盐。
Nanomars Technology pride ourselves as a KNOW-HOW company, with our strong beliefs and determination, each member of our establishment can exceed to his full potential to create an individual style of our own in the market. 智柏科技是以KNOW-HOW取胜的公司,秉持著「智比松柏」的信念和坚持,每一位成员皆能激盪自我极限,创造出独步业界的智柏风格。
Nanometer ultra micro powder technology makes the ultra micro powder pearl powder more fine and smooth, like feather adhering to your skin, aiming to modify yellow and uneven skin color tone, presenting transparent, sunny, and crystal white perfect skin c 好处:纳米超微细粉末技术使超细珍珠粉更细更滑,如羽毛般轻柔附着于肌肤,修饰偏黄和不均的肌肤色调,让肌肤24小时呈现清透明媚、白皙晶莹的完美状态。

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