There, the provincial government authorized individual state-run enterprises to sell off their housing stock inexpensively to their workers. |
中文意思: 省政府授权国有企业将房屋以较低价格出售给员工。 |
There, sunlight is blocked by the 300-meter tall crater wall from vaporizing the water-ice on the crater floor into the thin Martian atmosphere.
在那里,阳光被300公尺高的陨坑边墙所挡住,以免阳光使这块在陨石坑底的水冰蒸发到火星稀薄的大气之中。 |
There, testing the waters in the 400- and 100-meter freestyle, the 2004 Olympic star slipped from superhuman status.
在体验过一百与四百公尺自由式比赛的实际状况后,这位二00四年奥运的明星从超人般的地位滑落下来。 |
There, the child must wait until several cubs are ready to embark on a quest together.
在那里,幼仔得等待有足够多的同伴们准备好,才能一起开始。 |
There, the first humans (Adam and Eve) lived happily 2)coexisting with nature until they were 3)exiled from the garden.
在那里,最初的人类(亚当及夏娃)快乐地与自然共存,直到被逐出伊甸园。 |
There, the invasion of Iraq was unpopular from the start.
他们从一开始就反对入侵伊拉克。 |
There, the provincial government authorized individual state-run enterprises to sell off their housing stock inexpensively to their workers.
省政府授权国有企业将房屋以较低价格出售给员工。 |
There, the question is closer.
问题就更靠近一步了。 |
There, the walking wounded were taken to a waiting room.
在这,轻伤者被带进了一个候诊室。 |
There, the water-loving cats use the braided streams and river channels as highways, expertly navigating through the maze of mangrove thickets.
在这儿,爱水的大猫将发辫似的溪流、河道当作路,熟练地在迷宫般的红树林灌木丛内游来游去。 |
There, there,’ said Toad, graciously and affably, ‘never mind; think no more about it. I have several aunts who OUGHT to be washerwomen.
“好啦。好啦,”蟾蜍温文和蔼地说,“这没关系,别去想它啦。我也有好几位姑母,本来都要做洗衣妇的。” |
There, they have virtually no contact with locals (South Korean tourists are rarely welcome in Pyongyang).
在那里,他们几乎不会接触到本地人(韩国游客很少被欢迎到平壤去)。 |